CBD oil, also called hemp oil, has gained significant attention on the Irish wellness market for its potential effects, including its use as a pre workout supplement. Pre workout supplements refer to products which are meant to provide more energy, better endurance and in some cases improved blood flow. All of the former can lead to experiencing more beneficial workouts. Take caffeine for example. You’ll find it in coffee, tea, and energy drinks of course. This is one of the most common substances used to boost energy and beta-alanine and citrulline which are amino acids. Amino acids can help to reduce muscle fatigue and increase strength. Whatever you choose, the aim is to prep the body and the mind to give their best when exercising or ‘working out’. CBD supplements have become some of the most popular in this health and wellness niche. Many athletes and fitness enthusiasts advocate their use of Cannabidiol for its ability to boost their performance, focus and subsequent recovery from training. WHY USE HEMP OIL AS YOUR PRE-WORKOUT SUPPLEMENT? Earlier we mentioned amino acids and the role they play in exercise and performance. Many don’t realise that hemp oil is rich in essential amino acids which are so very needed by the human body when working out. Amino acids are the basic units of proteins and are necessary for repair, regeneration, and growth of muscles. This makes them an essential for athletes, serious gym goers and others who dedicate their time to playing sport. Categorized under amino acids are the branched-chain amino acids including leucine, isoleucine, and valine present in hemp oil that assist in minimizing muscle tenderness, increasing the performance and stamina during exercise, and preventing muscle tissue damage during training. Such amino acids are also great for production of muscle building proteins and so make hemp oil a perfect supplement to take prior to any workout. WHAT IS CBD EXACTLY? CBD is a plan based chemical compound that is found in the hemp plant. It is completely natural! Cannabidiol is the official name and it is the most prominent of over 100 cannabinoids present in hemp. Thankfully it is not capable of causing ‘psychoactive effects’, which basically means it won’t get you ‘high’ [1]. INFLAMMATION & PAIN One reason why people take this compound before exercise is to reduce inflammation and fight pain. According to scientific and anecdotal evidence CBD is referred to as a natural anti-inflammatory, which can help reduce muscle and joint aches [2]. FOCUS & CALM CBD is also known to be anxiolytic or in other words it has an anti-anxiety action. There are many men and women who strictly use Cannabidiol supplements to fight anxiety and stress responses [3]. Regardless of whether you are at the gym lifting weights, on a treadmill or even doing yoga, a clear mind is likely to produce better results for your body. RECOVERY SUPPORT CBD is not only useful before any workout but also afterwards. Here at Dr. Hemp Me one of our most popular products is our Recovery Bundle – CBD Oil 30% + CBD Tiger Balm. The focus of these products is muscle and joint recovery, the oil taken orally and the balm used topically. Hemp products are quite effective in fighting oxidative stress and inflammation and so can potentially help muscle recovery too [4]. A PRE-WORKOUT ROUTINE: HOW TO GET IT RIGHT? Simply decide on your preferred method of supplementation. Would you like edible gummies or more potent CBD Oil placed under your tongue? Or would you prefer to opt for a topical ointment like balm or gel or cream? Remember to find the right dose for you, expect a little bit of trial and error starting out. All supplements can take time to build up in the body and we are all different when it comes to our tolerance to Cannabidiol. Once you’ve chosen your supplement simply take one dose before heading into the gym or training your body. Immediately before you train or within the hour prior are good options. If you opt to use both an oral supplement and a topical, take the oral oil or capsule or gummy before working out and use your topical for recovery afterwards. STUDIES RELATED TO ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE Pain Management A study found in the Journal of Experimental Medicine revealed that CBD helped in alleviating chronic inflammation and pain in animals [5]. Anxiety Relief One review of studies in Neurotherapeutics found that CBD can help reduce anxiety, which would be certainly beneficial prior to a workout. Improved Recovery Another study showed the use of CBD could help reduce the amount of oxidative stress that occurred after physical activity [7]. OTHER NATURAL OPTIONS Cordyceps mushroom is a type of nootropic mushroom (non-psychotropic) which is historically known for boosting stamina and aiding the lungs. This particular mycelium has been used in traditional medicine for years. Today they are gaining a following from fitness enthusiasts who use them to enhance oxygen uptake and endurance [8]. Here at Dr. Hemp Me we formulate our own potent formula of Cordyceps mushroom which come in drop form. This is another great supplement to add to your pre workout regimen. Even as little as a few drops can be used in your pre workout drink to naturally enhance your energy, and it can be safely used alongside CBD Oil or other CBD products. CONCLUSION We all know that working out is a great asset to both our body and mind. CBD has been shown to support both these areas too, so the question remains, why not add this supplement to your pre workout routine? Better yet, a combination of supplements like Cordyceps Mushroom Drops plus Cannabidiol can possibly further boost your performance capability and it’s all natural! REFERENCES