are cbd gummies safe to take in ireland


CBD gummies have made their mark as one of the most convenient ways to take CBD (hemp extract). Why so? Well, simply because they taste good, and for many women and men who rely on CBD daily, they solve any taste issue involved with taking CBD Oil.

For those who are not so familiar with CBD supplements and are tempted to try a product from the natural supplement shelf, the all-important question exists – are CBD Gummies safe to take? If this is the question on your lips, then you’re certainly not alone.

Many Irish people ask the same when on the search for a tasty version of this hemp derived supplement. Often noted for stress benefits, sleep benefits and helpful for anxiety, CBD offers a natural, non-toxic way to potentially improve your wellbeing.  

Here we aim to give you a complete understanding of the safety of CBD products, and how to properly select a product for best results based on current research.


Plenty of research studies have proven that CBD is safe for consumption. This is the case for most people and if guidelines for dosage is correctly followed. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), CBD is safe to use daily and the side effects are minimal, if any arise at all.

In the same breath it’s crucial to remember that like any other supplement, the effectiveness of CBD gummies will depend on a number of factors and vary from one individual to another.

Other influential factors include the way CBD is taken, the timing, the quality and potency of the product used, and another is consistency of use [1].

Another common question to ask is, can I take CBD Gummies alongside medication?

The rule across the CBD industry in Europe is to allow a minimum of two hours between your CBD dose and any medications. This is simply to allow both work independently of each other within the body.


One often overlooked aspect of buying CBD gummies is confirming the quality of the supplement. This in turn strongly affects the safety and efficacy of the supplement you are taking daily.

It is as simple as this – check for proof of laboratory tests. These tests are paid for by any reputable company to show and prove that their stock is not contaminated with anything harmful like pesticides, heavy metals or chemicals.

They should be carried out by an independent party and the results readily available to potential and current customers.

Companies such as Dr. Hemp Me sell CBD gummies that are tested in this manner and so offers consumers transparency and confidence in their supplements [2].

Clear Labeling is another must with the CBD dose per serving and all ingredients used in the product stated on the label.


CBD is known and proven to be safe however, there are potential mild side effects that some people might experience:

  • Dry Mouth: CBD may reduce the production of saliva which may cause dry mouth [3]. Drink plenty of water, this effect should subside as you grow accustomed to your supplement.
  • Fatigue: Sometimes, CBD can make you feel fatigued if you have taken a very high dose of it [4]. Stick to the recommended guidance on the product label and always increase your dose gradually.
  • Indigestion: Those who have a particularly sensitive stomach may experience stomach discomfort like indigestion or diarrhoea when starting out with CBD [5]. Cease use and consult the advice of the company you purchased from as an alternative method of dosing may just suit you better.


Pre-Measured Dose

It has a pre-measured amount of CBD in every gummy to eliminate the confusion when it comes to the dosage.

Taste and Convenience

Edibles are a better way of taking CBD because it does not have a strong taste like CBD oil especially to those who have not taken it before.

Long-Lasting Effects

The Gummies are not absorbed as quickly as other forms such as tinctures and this makes them to release CBD slowly in the body.



Sadly, the hemp supplement marketplace is not regulated, so not every product you see, matches the next in terms of sourcing and quality.

Dr. Hemp Me is the most reviewed CBD brand in Ireland, standing out in terms of effectiveness and high-class sourcing.

Loyal customers support such claims by revealing their great results from using Dr. Hemp Me products to help manage pain, anxiety, and more [6].


  • Amy from Dublin says: “Excellent, really help my son’s anxiety and it’s natural.”
  • Katy from Cork: “Best gummies I’ve had. I take in the evening and have been sleeping so well since. delivery was fast!”
  • Sarah from Galway: “Very nice flavour. I’m quite sensitive to taste so these help get CBD into me everyday.”


To sum up, is it safe to take CBD gummies? Yes, CBD gummies are safe when purchased from legit companies and also when all dosage guidance is followed.

If you are thinking of trying out CBD Gummies and take long-term medication, it is better to do your research first and ask a trusted health professional before adding anything new to your diet.


  1. World Health Organization. (2018). Cannabidiol (CBD) Critical Review Report.
  2. Dr. Hemp Me. (2024). CBD Oil Reviews.
  3. Bergamaschi, M. M., et al. (2011). Safety and Side Effects of Cannabidiol, a Cannabis sativa Constituent. Current Drug Safety.
  4. Shannon, S., et al. (2019). Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series. The Permanente Journal.
  5. Zuardi, A. W. (2008). Cannabidiol: From an Inactive Cannabinoid to a Drug with a Wide Spectrum of Action. Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry.
  6. Dr. Hemp Me. (2024). CBD Gummies.

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