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Name: Dr. Hemp Me

Address: 8 Trinity Street Dublin 2 D02 EY47

Phone: +353 83 094 0183

This site uses cookies, which are little files downloaded to your computer, as is customary with almost all professional websites, to enhance your experience. This page explains the data they collect, how we use it, and the reasons why we occasionally need to store certain cookies. We’ll also explain how to stop these cookies from being saved, but doing so may degrade or “break” some aspects of the website’s operation.

Visit the HTTP Cookies page on Wikipedia for more general information about cookies.

How Cookies Are Used

We employ cookies for a number of the reasons listed below. Unfortunately, there are rarely any choices that adhere to industry standards for turning off cookies without also turning off all of the services and functionality that they contribute to our website. If you are unsure whether you need any cookies or not, it is advised to leave all of them enabled in case they are required to deliver a service that you use.

Disabling Cookies

By changing the settings on your browser, you can stop cookies from being set (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be advised that deactivating cookies can make many other websites you visit and this one less functional. In most cases, removing cookies will also disable some features and functionality of our website. As a result, it is advised that you leave cookies enabled.

Account Related Cookies

We will use cookies to administer the signup process and perform basic administration if you create an account with us. These cookies are typically removed after you check out, but occasionally they could stay behind to remember your site settings after you log out.

Login Related Cookies

To keep track of this information when you are logged in, we utilize cookies. As a result, you won’t need to log in each time you visit a new page. To make sure that you can only access restricted features and locations when logged in, these cookies are normally deleted or reset when you log out.

Cookies relating to email newsletters

This website provides newsletter or email subscription services, and cookies may be used to keep track of whether you have already registered and whether to display certain alerts that might only be applicable to subscribers or unsubscribers.

Processing linked orders cookies

Some cookies are required for this website’s e-commerce or payment features to function properly and for your order to be remembered across pages.

Forms Related Cookies

Cookies may be created when you enter data through a form, such as those on contact sites or comment forms, to remember your user details for next communications.