cbd oil in bulgaria

CBD Oil in Bulgaria: All You Need to Know

CBD oil is surging in popularity across Europe, and Bulgaria is no exception. This hemp-based supplement, known for its potential health benefits without the psychoactive effects typically associated with cannabis, has caught the attention of many in Bulgaria, from young adults to the elderly.

As you delve into the world of CBD oil in Bulgaria, this guide will serve as your comprehensive resource. We’ll unpack the essential details, ensuring you’re well-informed about its usage, benefits, and where to get your hands on quality products.

Before we get into the details take a look at CBD user’s top choices from our range:


30% CBD Oil | CBD Balm


10% CBD Oil | CBG Oil


10% CBD Oil | Reishi


5% Pet Oil | 10% Pet Oil


20% CBG Oil | Lion's Mane

Navigating CBD Oil in Bulgaria: The Basics

Bulgaria maintains a clear stance on CBD oil: it’s legal. But as with many things, the devil is in the details. For CBD oil to be sold and consumed in Bulgaria, it must be extracted solely from hemp plants and should have a THC content of 0.2% or less.

THC is the component responsible for the “high” in marijuana, and this limit ensures users get only the benefits of CBD without any intoxication.

Most local pharmacies and health-focused stores stock CBD oil. Yet, it’s important to remember that while it’s available for personal consumption, it’s not promoted or classified as a medicinal product. This means you can freely purchase and use it, but you won’t find doctors prescribing it as a remedy.

If you’re venturing into the realm of CBD in Bulgaria, prioritize quality. Seek products from trusted suppliers, and always ensure that the THC content aligns with national regulations. This way, you can enjoy the potential benefits of CBD with peace of mind.

The Availability

CBD products are available to purchase in Bulgaria and the best possible way to obtain high-quality CBD is from online retailers like us! Dr. Hemp Me can guarantee customers across Europe delivery in just 2-5 working days with our tracked courier service.

We stock a range of products including CBD oils (full-spectrum), CBD gummies, capsules, topical balm and more. Make your choice, add it to your cart and check out conveniently from the comfort of your home. All our products are supported with verified, third-party, lab test reports which detail testing for cannabinoid content, chemicals, pesticides and metals.

The Uses

CBD cannot be promoted by any brand or company for its use in any health related way. It is categorised as a food or dietary supplement in Bulgaria and across Europe in most countries which means it cannot be sold as a medicinal product.

Many women and men in Bulgaria choose to use CBD Oils and other forms of this dietary supplement to add cannabinoids to their diet on daily basis. CBD interacts with the body through the Endocannabinoid system. This system is responsible for regulating various functions in the body, including mood, appetite, hormones and more.

CBD and other cannabinoids in our products binds to cannabinoid receptors, which alters the functioning of these receptors and works to create homeostasis or balance within.

Read More: CBD Oil in Slovakia: Where to Buy?

The Drawbacks

Here are some of the key things to keep in mind:

  1. CBD oil is not regulated by governmental bodies This means that there is no guarantee of product testing with every brand of CBD.
  2. CBD oil may interact with other medications or supplements you are taking. Be sure to talk to your healthcare provider before using CBD oil.
  3. CBD oil may cause mild side effects in rare cases, including dry mouth, diarrhoea, reduced appetite, drowsiness.
  4. CBD oil is not recommended for use during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

The Legality & History of Hemp Here

Hemp cultivation in Bulgaria is believed to date back to the sixth century. The crop was grown throughout the country for centuries for textiles until the government argued that hemp was a drug and its cultivation was contributing to the country’s drug problem.

In recent years, however, the Bulgarian government has loosened its stance on hemp. In 2004, the government amended its drug law to allow for the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes. The following year, the government issued licenses to two companies to grow hemp for industrial use.

The revival of hemp cultivation in Bulgaria has been driven by the demand for hemp products in the European Union. Bulgaria is a member of the EU, and its farmers are able to sell their hemp products to other member states. Hemp products are used in a variety of industries, including the production of food, cosmetics, and animal feed.


Is CBD oil legal in Bulgaria?

Yes it is legal to purchase, use and sell in Bulgaria once it is branded as a food supplement and contains below 0.2% THC in the product.

Is it legal to take CBD oil abroad?

It is not currently legal to take CBD oil abroad to all places, as the laws surrounding CBD are still in flux and vary from country to country. In some countries, CBD is legal for medicinal purposes, while in others it is legal for personal use.

It is always best to check the laws of the country you are visiting before attempting to bring CBD oil with you.

What European countries allow CBD?

Countries include Ireland, France, Slovakia, Hungary, Spain, Malta and more.

Can I bring my CBD oil to Europe?

If travelling from within Europe in most cases yes it is ok to bring your CBD supplement with you to another part of the continent however it is always best to check with the country’s rules you are flying to as there are discrepancies in laws.

Cannabidiol in Bulgaria: The Future

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis plants. CBD is legal in Bulgaria and is available in a variety of forms, including oils, tinctures, and topical treatments.

The future of CBD in Bulgaria looks promising. The legal status of CBD is likely to remain unchanged, and the availability of CBD products is expected to increase. This will provide more people with access to the power of hemp cannabinoids in the form of CBD supplements.

To ensure accuracy, our articles have been thoroughly researched by a team of authors, editors, legal counsel, and medical professionals. The only references used are reliable ones.

The content is routinely assessed against recent scholarly research and professional recommendations to ensure the most up-to-date and relevant information.

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