A Guide to Full Spectrum CBD in Kilkenny

A Guide to Full Spectrum CBD in Kilkenny

Are you interested in finding out about CBD oil in Kilkenny? If so, this guide will tell you everything you need to know about the status of CBD products in this area of Ireland. Whether you prefer to use CBD oils like any other vitamin supplement in your diet or apply it topically to your skin, this article will give you the information you need to you enjoy the benefits of CBD oil safely and legally.

What Is CBD? 

Although you may be familiar with it, it is essential to understand what CBD means. CBD is short for Cannabidiol, a chemical compound that exists in cannabis (Cannabis Sativa plant). Unlike the other compound found in cannabis, its relative THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), you won’t experience toxic properties or high psychoactive effects with CBD.

Both CBD and THC are cannabinoids which are found in the cannabis plant family but CBD is found in large amounts in the hemp plant specifically. The hemp plant is the safe, non-toxic relative of cannabis. From this plant CBD is extracted in order to add to a carrier oil and create a CBD oil product. Research studies and anecdotal evidence from men and women claim CBD has therapeutic uses in helping with many health conditions, including pain, stress responses, sleep disorders, and anxiety.

However, it must be noted that CBD products can only be classed as food supplements. The HPRA do not recognise CBD products as having any medicinal benefits. Any company who claims their products are medicinal is not abiding by regulations. Quality ingredients, delivery and a reliable place to ask questions, like a customer service chat box, is what you should look out for when purchasing CBD oils.

You can find CBD in many forms, such as food, drinks, capsules, Gummies, skin cream and more. CBD oil can easily be consumed orally in the mouth or applied topically to the skin, making it very popular. 

What Is the Current Classification in Kilkenny? 

One of the main things you should know about CBD oil in any location is its legal status. Like many other areas, there are strict regulations around the sale and use of cannabis-derived products in Kilkenny. CBD oil is not an illegal drug under the Misuse of Drugs Act in Ireland. You can buy and sell it as a food product if it doesn’t contain THC.

However, CBD oil is not classified as a medicine in Kilkenny. Therefore, it is illegal for it to be sold or marketed as such. It also cannot be prescribed by doctors or sold as a drug in pharmacies. This rule does not only apply to CBD oil but also to other CBD and hemp-related products. The only way to legally buy or sell Full Spectrum CBD oil in Kilkenny is as food supplement products. 

CBD Vs. THC: How Are These Cannabinoids Different? 

Many people wonder why CBD is legal while THC is not, despite being from the same source. Products that contain THC remain illegal in Ireland, but CBD oil with less than 0.2% CBD is legal, provided it meets other regulation policies and registration. The reason for this is quite simple. THC has psychoactive properties, which requires strict regulation. Since CBD does not have psychoactive properties, regulatory and legal authorities consider it much safer for public use.  

What CBD Oils and Products Are Available?

If you are seeking CBD oil in Kilkenny, Dr. Hemp Me offers a wide selection of products here and across Ireland. Dr. Hemp Me CBD oil comes from Cannabis Sativa L sourced from  Ireland, the UK, and other parts of the EU.

According to the law, CBD products can contain small amount of THC, once none have more than 0.2%. In addition to the CBD content, many quality products, as with this brand, also contain five other beneficial compounds from Cannabis Sativa L. 

To preserve integrity and potency, all of CBD oils from this company come in dark bottles that block light. Here are some of our most popular options for CBD customers: 

F/S Hemp Oil

Full-spectrum CBD oil includes several cannabinoids, some of which are from sources other than Cannabis Sativa L. Some studies suggest that the use of Full -Spectrum CBD products are more beneficial in terms of cannabinoid effectiveness within the body. These products include:

  • CBD Oil 10%, 1,000 mg CBD Oil 200 drops (Starter)
  • CBD Oil 20%, 2,000 mg CBD Oil 200 drops (Superdose)
  • CBD Oil 40%, 4,000 mg CBD Oil 200 drops

B/S Hemp Oil

Broad-spectrum CBD oil has most of the same compounds as full-spectrum CBD oil but is completely THC-free. Dr Hemp Me broad-spectrum products include:

  • CBD Oil 5%, 500 mg 200 drops (THC Free)
  • CBD Oil 10%, 1,000 mg 200 drops (THC Free)


If you prefer a chewable form of CBD, we have Gummies available in strawberry and fizzy flavours. They’re fruity, easy to eat, have rapid absorption, and are excellent for children and adults. They are available in the following strengths:

  • 25 mg of CBD oil
  • 500 mg of CBD oil
  • 750 mg of CBD oil

Best Food Supplement Options

No matter what formulation you prefer, Dr. Hemp Me has you covered. While all of the products are high quality and a daily addition to the health of your food diet, one of the most popular options is full-spectrum CBD oil. This is thanks to the additional benefits of five other plant extracts found in full-spectrum CBD oils.

Have These Products Been Lab-Tested?

All Dr. Hemp Me products have undergone lab testing at JHG Analysis, one of the cannabis plant testing companies in Ireland and Europe. These tests measure purity and potency to ensure the quality and safety of the products they offer before and after the extraction process. To view the lab reports for such products, please see the dedicated Lab Testing page. 

Final Thoughts on CBD Oil in Kilkenny

The legal status of CBD oil and other hemp-derived products in Kilkenny is complicated. Laws and regulations are constantly changing, so you will want to stay updated with these revisions if you are a user, manufacturer, or reseller. By selling, purchasing, and consuming CBD oil as a food supplement in Kilkenny, you will be able to enjoy its benefits safely and legally. Check out Dr. Hemp Me’s wide selection of high-quality products today!

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